8 Surprising Causes of Dizziness and VertigoIf you’ve ever felt dizzy, lightheaded, or like the room is spinning while you’re standing still, you’re not alone. Nearly 40 percent of people over age 40 experience symptoms of vertigo at least once. The causes of dizziness and vertigo vary widely. Find out what might be triggering your dizzy spells, as explained by Everyday Health, so you can keep them to a minimum.

Dehydration or Hunger

Even mild dehydration can cause your blood pressure to drop, and hunger can lower your blood sugar levels, both of which can make you feel dizzy. These symptoms are most likely to show up during strenuous exercise or following recent weight loss. This is why, if you feel dizzy, the first thing you should do is sit down with a glass of water or something to eat. Often, all you need is a little pick-me-up to feel like yourself again.


It’s common to experience dizziness and nausea on a cruise. These symptoms may stick with you for days, weeks, or even months after you return to land. About 75 percent of sailors have a hard time finding their land legs after being out at sea for an extended time. Airplane, car, and train rides can also cause motion sickness, as can lying on a waterbed.


About two out of five migraine sufferers experience symptoms of vertigo, with or without an accompanying migraine attack. If this is the cause of your dizziness, you might also experience sensitivity to motion, light, and sound. Seek migraine treatment to help all these symptoms dissipate.

Inner Ear Problems

One inner ear problem that causes dizziness is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. About 1 out of 1,000 people experience this disorder per year, and older adults are most susceptible to it. This condition is caused when sensing crystals in the inner ear become dislodged and float around the ear canal. The resulting spinning sensation can be very disorienting.

Much like a gyroscope, structures in the inner ear can tell which way is up, helping you feel stable whether lying, sitting, or standing. If something goes awry with these gravity-sensing structures, you’re likely to experience dizziness and vertigo when you change positions.

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is largely responsible for maintaining stability. You’re liable to be deficient in this nutrient if you don’t eat meat or dairy. If your levels are scarce, you may feel off-balance, have low blood pressure, and suffer the effects of decreased blood flow to the brain. A simple blood test is all you need to detect low vitamin B12. Then, you can focus on changing your diet or taking supplements.

Heart Disease

Several types of heart disease can cause dizziness because they reduce blood flow to the brain. Examples include leaky or narrow heart valves, arrhythmias, and atherosclerosis. Treat your heart condition, and the dizzy spells should dissipate.


People who experience dizzy spells, especially young adults, also often have an accompanying anxiety disorder. Both may be symptoms of a brain function disturbance that makes the person abnormally sensitive to visual stimulation. This may cause dizziness while watching moving objects or even while walking through a brightly lit store. The condition is possibly genetic, though more studies are needed to learn more about it.


Dizziness is one of the most common side effects of prescription medicines, especially those designed to control blood pressure. Check the warning labels on any drugs you’re taking to see if dizziness, vertigo, or loss of balance are listed as possible side effects. Then, speak with your doctor about possibly changing your dosage if you think the medication is causing your symptoms.

Find Out the True Reason for Your Dizziness

If frequent dizzy spells are starting to impair your lifestyle, visit Spine Correction Center in Fort Collins for help. We can often diagnose the causes of dizziness and look into treating the underlying cause.

For more information, please contact Spine Correction Center at (970) 658-5115.