FAQ About Cold Laser Therapy

Class IV cold laser therapy is a noninvasive treatment option that sends pulses of low-level red and near-infrared wavelengths of light deep into your skin. The results are astounding. Just a few of the therapeutic effects include increased circulation, reduced inflammation, and improved oxygen delivery to treat pain and promote faster healing. Well over a dozen conditions respond well to cold laser therapy, from herniated discs and migraines to carpal tunnel syndrome and neuropathy.

Cold laser therapy may sound too good to be true, but it has been used in the US since the FDA approved it in 2002, and European doctors have been tapping into the technology since the 1970s. Today, laser therapy is used around the world as a drug-free, surgery-free, pain-free treatment option. If you’re interested in cold laser therapy, learn more about it before your first treatment at Spine Correction Center.

Has the effectiveness of cold laser therapy been proven scientifically?

Yes! Thousands of published studies demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of cold laser therapy on a wide range of ailments.

How frequent will my treats be, and how many treatments will I need?

For acute injuries like muscle strains, ligament sprains, and burns, we may recommend daily treatments to promote the fastest healing time possible, especially if you’re in significant pain. You may only need four to six treatments for your acute condition to heal, possibly fewer.

For chronic ailments such as plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and arthritis, treatments may begin at two to three times per week. As your symptoms improve, sessions may taper down to once a week or once every other week. Because they are more deeply ingrained, chronic conditions tend to require six to 12 or more sessions before healing completely. For severe arthritis, periodic ongoing treatments may be needed for long-term pain control.

How long before I feel the results of cold laser treatment?

Many patients express reduced pain after the very first treatment, while others take three or four treatments to feel a significant difference. The effects of cold laser therapy are cumulative, so each treatment builds upon the improvements of the previous session.

Can laser therapy be used in conjunction with other treatments?

Not only is it acceptable to use laser therapy alongside other therapies, we highly recommend it! Spine Correction Center offers diagnostic testing and integrative physical medicine in conjunction with laser technology to get results where others have failed.

What does a treatment feel like? Does it hurt?

One reason laser therapy is so popular is because each treatment is completely pain-free. In fact, you can expect to feel little to no sensation during each four- to eight-minute session. If anything, you might experience immediate pain relief, tingling, and mild warmth as the laser penetrates your skin.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Very few side effects are associated with cold laser treatments. The laser is extremely safe, though we never apply it near the eyes and patients must wear safety glasses to protect their retinas during treatment.

Sometimes, treatment areas may feel sensitive for a brief time following treatment. It’s also possible for prior injuries or pain symptoms to become aggravated for a few days, but this is only because cold laser therapy activates a higher healing response. Any old pains that flare up will subside as you continue treatment.

Learn More About Cold Laser Therapy at Spine Correction Center

If you’re eager to find out more about non-surgical, pain-free, drug-free laser therapy, visit Spine Correction Center to discover if you’re a good candidate for this treatment. We may recommend laser therapy combined with the other integrative physical medicine techniques we offer here at our Fort Collins clinic.

To schedule your free consultation, please contact us online or call (970) 658-5115 today!