How to Start a Summer Exercise ProgramSummer is a popular time to focus on getting in shape. The warmer temperatures make it easy to exercise outside, and you have more motivation to feel confident in a swimsuit and summery clothes. If you’ve never tried a formal summer exercise program before, follow these tips to prevent injuries and setbacks from derailing your plans.

Assess Your Physical Fitness

Consider meeting with a healthcare professional before you launch into a summer exercise program, especially if you have a chronic health condition. This makes you aware of any restrictions your doctor recommends as you set goals and choose what physical activities to participate in.

Set Fitness Goals

Depending on your health, age, and pre-existing conditions, your goals could range from completing a marathon to simply making it around the block without becoming winded. The goals you set should be realistic, measurable, and broken down into bite-sized pieces.

For instance, your goal might be to lose 20 pounds by the end of summer, but how will you accomplish this? Daily goals such as running five miles or lifting weights for 30 minutes help you achieve your ultimate objective.

Record Your Progress

Take body measurements and weigh yourself to create a starting point. Then, write down your goals to help you feel committed to them. Record what you do each day to help you reach those goals, and retake measurements weekly to document your progress. A written record keeps you accountable and motivated.

Make Exercise Enjoyable

You can get your daily dose of aerobics in more ways than just running. Swimming, Zumba classes, and scenic bike rides are other options for getting your heart rate up. By making exercise more enjoyable, you’re more likely to stick with it.

Rotate Activities

To prevent boredom and a plateau in your progress, switch up the type of exercises you do each day. You might go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays, lift weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and go jogging or biking on Saturdays. In whatever way you rotate your activities, aim to work out five days a week.

Buy the Right Gear

The equipment you need for your summer exercise program may include a gym membership, sweat-wicking workout clothes, comfortable running shoes, a high-quality bicycle, or a set of dumbbells for lifting weights in your living room.

Ease into It

Once the preliminary work is done, you’re ready to start exercising! One common mistake beginners make is to dive in headfirst on day one. Unfortunately, you could easily burn yourself out with sore muscles and injuries. A safe summer exercise program starts slowly. Remember to listen to your body and ease up if you ever feel pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath.

Increase the Intensity as Time Goes By

After a week or two of easing into it, start aiming for the amount of exercise recommended by the American Heart Association. This includes at least 30 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobics three to five days per week, plus at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities per week.

Fit Activity into Your Daily Routine

Even on the days you take off from formal exercise, continue to engage in physical activities. This can include taking the stairs at work, parking far away from the grocery store entrance, or going for a walk on your lunch break.

Let Your Muscles Recover

Especially as you begin your summer exercise program, you may find your muscles and joints complaining the day after a rigorous workout. Let them recover for a day or two before pushing them again. This doesn’t mean you should skip your workouts altogether – it simply means you should target different muscle groups.

Re-Examine Your Goals

Once the end of summer arrives, determine whether you met your goals or if you need to modify them. As you check one goal off your list, replace it with another to continue boosting your fitness level!

Get More Tips at Spine Correction Center in Fort Collins

Exercising can be especially challenging if you have chronic back pain, knee pain, or other physical ailments. If you struggle with pain that prevents you from working out, visit Spine Correction Center in Fort Collins for treatment and personalized advice. We’ll help you achieve the fitness level you’re after by first eliminating your pain!

To schedule a free consultation, please contact Spine Correction Center online or call (970) 658-5115 today.