
Category Archives : Headaches

Chiropractor Care for Headaches

Headaches can strike often. They can make you have to reach for over the counter medications to help mend the pain, go back to sleep, or in worst cases, go the doctor. If you have frequent headaches, seeking help from a chiropractor for headaches could help get you back to living a life with far […]

Hacks for Enjoying a Spook-Tacular Halloween with Chronic Pain

As a parent or grandparent, Halloween is often just as fun for you as it is for the kids! Distracting yourself with fun activities is important when you’re dealing with chronic pain. Make it easier to focus on your family—not your discomfort—with these helpful tips.   Consider Ways to Limit Walking There are only so […]

10 Stress Relieving Tips for Stress Awareness Month

Statistics show that about 77% of people are stressed enough to have physical symptoms from their stress. Even children feel stressed on a normal basis, which raises the risk for stroke, heart disease, chronic conditions and mood disorders over time, among many other effects. During Stress Awareness Month, try using some of these 10 stress-relieving […]

Help for Frequent Migraines

Migraines are not simply headaches, but involve head pain that can be completely debilitating. Many people even go to the emergency room each year due to migraine head pain. Headaches may come and go, while migraines can be recurrent, and can involve nausea, vomiting and other severe side effects. If you experience migraine head pain, […]

Help for Your Headaches and Migraines

Did you know that migraines can be considered a neurological disease? This is especially true for the 39 million people in the U.S. that suffer from these on a regular basis. Some migraines and headaches can be so debilitating that they cause vision loss and intense enough pain that patients can’t get out of bed. […]

How Can Joint Injections Treat Your Chronic Pain?

Joint injections are a common treatment method for helping relieve chronic pain safely and efficiently.  Pain that emanates from your joints, nerves, spine, and muscles can suddenly make everything difficult. Our team at Spine Correction Center of the Rockies can relieve your pain and restore your mobility in a matter of hours with our anti-inflammatory […]

6 Headache Types, Their Triggers and Treatments

Do you suffer from migraines and headaches? Do you wince when someone thinks they are one in the same? Headaches are one of the most common ailments that humans experience. By the numbers, 90 percent of our global population is predicted to experience a headache at some point during their lives. Nearly 1 in 4 […]

Are Your Recurring Headaches Actually Chronic Migraines?

If you get debilitating, recurring headaches 15 days or more per month, you could have a condition called chronic migraine. National Women’s Health Resource Center, Inc. estimates that up to 5 percent of the population experiences chronic migraine, and the majority of sufferers are women. Fortunately, treatments exist to prevent migraines from getting in the […]

Chronic Headaches? Chiropractic Care Can Help

Are you among the 90% of Americans who suffer from headaches? If so, what do you do when you feel a headache coming on? For occasional mild headaches, popping a pill and going on with your day may be a feasible approach. However, if you suffer from frequent pounding headaches – a chronic condition that […]

11 Migraine-Triggering Foods to Avoid

If you suffer from regular migraines, you may have identified some triggers that set off your pain. Strong perfumes, bright light, and even changes in the weather can all trigger migraines. Did you know your diet can also affect how often you get headaches? If you don’t know which foods you’re sensitive to, you could […]